Update from Puerto Escondido, Mexico

18 04 2010

photo courtesy of ca2pr.com

For those of you wondering where Waldo is, I send you saludos from “Hidden Port,” Mexico in the Department of Oaxaca.

After riding across the Guatemala/Mexico border with slight knee pain I decided to cheat a bit by bus hopping through the mountains and down to the coast in order to make it to Northern Mexico in time to ride a couple of weeks with my father and then make it to my sister’s wedding on time (congratulations Chelsea!) (…and I promise I’ll make up skipped mileage in Arizona everybody!)

It is ridiculously hot here but I’m cruising steadily up the coast. As I mentioned during my days in Argentina’s scalding Chaco, 110 degree days are managable due to the slight breeze you get while cycling. The difficulty lies in the 90 degree nights, stuck inside a tent with no breeze, sweating puddles and then riding another day on a few hours of fidgety sleep. I can’t complain too much though; as the other volunteers and I discussed in Paraguay, we know this is temporary and we will soon be going back to air-conditioned homes.

I feel like I’m racing the sun. I’m moving northward as quickly as possible and I know it’s moving that way too, bringing summer from the southern hemisphere to the northern.

A huge part of me feels like the tour is already ending, but I still have a lot of work ahead of me. I’ll keep racing the sun and I hope you all will continue to support me, spreading the word on your blogs and facebook, and considering donating by clicking that FirstGiving link over there to your right.

Thanks so much everybody!



One response

20 04 2010
Paige Healy

That sounds super exciting! When are you planning on crossing into Az? I want to be their.

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